
Our methodology

CH&G Communication utilizes a multi-step methodology to ensure a complete, efficient analysis of your communication process, providing the critical data needed to drastically improve your business communication.

To see our process in action, head over to our case studies page.

Discover and Identify + Translate + Customize + Execute + Assess

Discover and Identify

Discover and identify your company's communication-related challenges on both a macro and micro level. Transparency and completeness are key, as anything related to a particular issue or process can have significant effects on its outcome.


The biggest challenge any translator faces is to ensure that key ideas aren't lost in translation. At CH&G, we understand that corporate initiatives and other agenda, or "corporate speak," must be translated into accurate, digestible chunks for optimal consumption by both management and staff.


CH&G recognizes that engaged employees are motivated employees. Corporate messaging must resonate in a language that is customized to each department's unique collective talent, platform preference, and, in some cases, individual tastes.


The customized communications architecture of your company can be realized through our strong commitment to breaking down your company's message barriers via short-term and long-term strategy. This process can include any, or all, of the following:

  • Customized internet and intranet content
  • Collateral material production
  • Public relations strategy
  • Temporary staffing of highly qualified professionals


We approach your communications infrastructure as a living, breathing anomaly. With this approach in mind, we believe strongly that our strategic processes don't stop at implementation. Assessment of performance and ROI with a focus on improvement is central to the innovation and evolution of your overall brand and, likewise, the future growth of your company.

The robust and iterative nature of our process ensures that measurable results will be achieved wherever processes can be improved. To learn more about our methodology, contact us at (312) 842-4193 or via the form on the right.

Contact us

For more information, feel free to contact us at (312) 842-4193 or fill out the form below.

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